Free PDF Alchemy Books

Alchemy is the Art of raising vibrations. It is not simply transformation, but involves purification through dissolution and subsequent reunification, with greater harmony.

Dissolve and Reunify (Solve et Coagula) is the basic rhythm of the existence of All That Is and is the basis of the Art of Alchemy.

The laboratory is the galaxies, the solar system, the physical body itself and fractally all that is part of it.

Separate to purify (Solve) and re-unite (Coagula) to separate again is the key to the evolution of Consciousness whose objective is the same genesis from which it arises:

The Primordial Chaos, vibrationally elevated over itself, and re-organized, more harmoniously each time..

In this section of Alchemy books you will find ancient texts of Greek, Egyptian, Arabic Medicine; books of herbal laboratory practice, Spagyrics, Vegetal Alchemy with Medicinal Plants, Mineral Alchemy. We also include occult texts of Sexual Alchemy, of the priestesses of Isis, Taoist and of deep transmuting sense.

The sense of transforming Matter is always one’s own transformation. It is done outside to be Inside. Therefore, here you will find books for the external alchemical laboratory practice and also for that same internal practice with the frequency modulations of the physical body itself. Image, Likeness and Symbol.

Enjoy the Journey!

Dubuis, Jean – Mineral Alchemy Vol 1

Dubuis, Jean – Mineral Alchemy Vol 2

Dubuis, Jean – Mineral Alchemy Vol 3

Dubuis, Jean – Mineral Alchemy Vol 4

Dubuis, Jean – Spagyrics Vol 1

Dubuis, Jean – Spagyrics Vol 2

Real Alchemy A Primer of Practical Alchemy

The herbal alchemists handbook Karen Harrison

The alchemy of sexual energy

Ocult Botany

Handbook Frater Albertus

The Practical Handbook

Introduction to Astrology

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